Thursday, April 8, 2010

Games Currently Played

With the recent delivery of my new pc, which is the awesome-sauce I must admit, the games I have installed has increased greatly.So without further delay, here's the list:

- Neverwinter Nights 2
- The Witcher
- Oblivion
- Dungeons and Dragons Online
- Runes of Magic
- World of Warcraft

DDO and RoM were installed to test them out and to see if they were a viable replacement to WOW.  DDO has great promise but mouse movement isn't allowed and for this gamer, keyboard movement in an MMO is incredibly frustrating.  My DDO toon, is level 3, so I need to give DDO more of a fair shot before deleting the client.  I will say this, DDO and LOTRO share the same problem.  Flat character models that have no life to them and an INCREDIBLY frustrating user client interface provided by Turbine.  Turbine might be headed in the righr direction for F2P game-model, but my god, their user interface and webspace are horrible and not user-friendly. 

RoM is clearly a WOW clone, but it isn't at the same time.  The character models are fantastic, especially the hair choices.  I particularly love that player housing is available at level 1.  Admittedly, the starter "house" is a one-room hovel but it IS player housing.  This was the one thing from Everquest 2 I wasn't initially excited about but missed as soon as I stopped playing EQ2.  My highest level toon in RoM is a level 11 Warden, so I have plenty of exploration left to do. 

WOW - it's like crack for the MMO player.  Most other MMO's can't compare to the polish of WOW, which drives me nuts to be honest.  WOW is a great introduction to a more complex MMO then let's say Guild Wars.  I have 5 80's and 5 other toons on my primary server between level 40 and level 72.  I am bored to flippng tears in WOW.  The quests are the same and the game is just a grind fast once you reach 80.  There is no social aspect to the game, I play with hubby but otherwise it is basically a single player game for me at this point.  I just recently canceled my recurring subscription (third time in a year).  I refuse to dedicate my life to raiding, it's a game not a job, and thus there is nothing left for me to do.  I will undoubtedly be back, but I need a WOW break.

Well, my coffee cup is drained and thus I'll cover single player games in my next post.

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