Monday, August 30, 2010

Gaming in August

It’s the end of the month and it’s been a productive month for WOW.  I had deleted my level 41 Shaman several months ago, I got her restored and leveled to 59 last week.  This week I will work on her leveling up in between badge runs for all of my eligible toons.  I now have 5 toons at 80, 3 toons at 72+, and my lowly rogue at level 51.  So basically, the rogue and the shaman need the most attention. 

This weekend, I devoted to my priest gearing up and working on quests so that she can earn those epic cloak recipes.  Her gearscore improved greatly for both specs, which is nice but not what I was focused on.  I had a blast playing her all weekend.  She was in Shadow spec, when not off healing, and it was a very nice change from always healing.  I enjoy the snot out of healing but get tired of the most thankless role in the game.

I am also thinking of starting a new tank on a different server.  I hate tanking, well not hate but despise.  If I do I will most likely make a paladin tank, it is easier to quest and much easier to hold and keep aggro.  However, this is just an idea floating around in my head.  I have great reservations about tanking again in WOW. 

It was also refreshing to learn the EQII is going free to play.  I understand it won’t be the complete game and I can’t get my old characters back, but I fully intend to download and spend some play time in EQII.  I’m most interested in to see if it is any more solo friendly than the “full” game.  EQII has a great story and I love the classes and races, but it is absolutely solo unfriendly and if you haven’t played from the beginning you cannot play catch-up in any meaningful way.

Hubby downloaded Halo3 this weekend and was busy playing it all weekend.  The game looks beautiful.  I did play the first two installments of the game, but right now the game holds no interest for me.  Hmm, wonder when that will change? LOL