Friday, May 4, 2012

LOTRO Events this weekend


lotro 5 years

This weekend is the last weekend to celebrate the five year anniversary of LOTRO.  If you haven’t gotten your goodies yet, now is the perfect time to stop by and experience the celebration.  The celebration comes to an official close on May 9th.  My characters need to try and get at least one mount each, that 68% speed buff and 250 morale on the horses is extremely nice.

Also this weekend, on Landroval, come join us for:

galloping gala

Screenshot courtesy the Windy Acres Ranch

This annual event, hosted by Windy Acres Ranch kinship, has a plethora of prizes and should be a lot of fun.  In conjunction with the event, ALL LOTRO store exclusive mounts are being offered this weekend in the store.  So now is the perfect opportunity to grab that mount you might be missing and enter a race.

LOTRO and the Dwarf Conundrum

I know there is only one female Dwarf mentioned in the works by Tolkien, Dis the sister of Thorin.  However, this presents quite the dilemma for those of us wanting to play a female dwarf in the online version of the game.  When I first started playing LOTRO I had just quite WOW after Cataclysm released.  I’ve always had a female dwarf character that healed and now suddenly I couldn’t.  Needless to say, I was frustrated and so DH suggested I make a Dwarf and play him as a girl.  I tried it, just didn’t feel right.
I’ve recently been playing a lot of LOTRO, and will continue to do so even when The Secret World releases, and the whole female dwarf issue was rumbling around the back of my brain.  After looking at CurvedSteel blog, I was excited to try and play a female dwarf.

ScreenShot00013  This is the screenshot of Storum the Ministrel I created this morning.  I tried to make the character look as feminine as possible.  ScreenShot00014  

I played until level 6 when I had access to my shared wardrobe.  


The end results did not satisfy me and thus I am going to be giving up my dream of a female dwarf.  I’d rather give up the dream then be in a constant state of flux and frustration with a character

WOW Dalliance Over


I’ve returned to my senses and my dalliance in the realm of Azeroth is over, pretty sure for good this time.  My darling DH recently upgraded my pc and now there is nothing out there that I want to play that my machine doesn’t run perfectly.  Which means, WOW has ceased to hold any interest for me.

So, what I am now playing you might be wondering?  I’m waiting patiently,  read with baited breath, for The Secret World (TSW) to release on June 19th.  Until then I’m back to playing LOTRO and I must say with a computer that no longer stutters in Bree I’m truly having an excellent time.  More LOTRO adventures to come today however.

TSW_character_06First beta weekend for TSW begins May 11th and this morning they announced the parameters for the beta weekend.  The tears and angst has begun in earnest on the forums and I’ll admit I’m getting a good laugh out of it.  I’m sure a lot of people played the Facebook game or bought a pre-purchase pack to try it and then cancel the order.  And now they are learning that their anticipated open sand box is much more like a playpen and they have to play within the rules set down by Funcom.