Friday, March 23, 2012

A couple of new characters

Jamie Shepard: the Engineer in Mass Effect.  I started over with a completely new character.  I had forgotten how different all three games are from a UI stand point.  Mass Effect 1 is the least polished but the story more than makes up for what the UI lacks.

Boxxi: the Goblin Hunter in WOW.  She hit level 21 this morning.  I am surprised I’m leveling another hunter but she is cracking me up, her flopping braids when she runs just make me smile.

Jezzbecka: the Troll Druid in WOW.  Probably my favorite class to level right now but getting weapons and armor for her has been a problem on Windrunner.  I’m letting Boxxi do the heavy lifting right in terms of making gold and sharing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Penelopa, the Hunter & Pippa, the Priest

My first ever (non-trial account) WOW character and still my first love.  And if I’m honest, she is one of the reasons I keep coming back.  Her faithful companion, Bess: a turtle from Southshore, are like old friends.  Truth be told, Bess rarely comes out these days but she is still very near and dear to Pen’s heart.

Pippa, my drawven priest with twirling braids, is my character I always come back to WOW for.  There is just something about her that always feels unfinished and waiting for me to complete.   I am planning of trying to take her solo through Karazhan for the Mongoose recipe.  I’m not a big raider, read I have fun when I raid but hate raiding as a concept, so attempting a solo raid is a big deal for me especially as a priest.

My first ever (non-trial account) WOW character and still my first love.  And if I’m honest, she is one of the reasons I keep coming back.  Her faithful companion, Bess: a turtle from Southshore, are like old friends.  Truth be told, Bess rarely comes out these days but she is still very near and dear to Pen’s heart.

WoW and other games

I  resubbed to WOW a little over a week ago now.  I’m not actively playing everyday but I am enjoying my play time.  I do realize however that playing WOW exclusively will not work for me.  I am going to slightly change the blog’s focus from strictly WOW to all the games that get played here. 

WOW first:

Once I logged in again, I first checked all my toons and verified that all the cash and guild cash was all present and accounted for.  That task completed, I logged onto my Horde server, Windrunner.  I’ve always been a true-blue Alliance player but this time I want to play the Horde storyline.  I have several toons on that are sitting there patiently waiting for me to level them and in one case, delete the toon once I no longer need her bank space.   I got my goblin priest to 20 and the goblin shaman to 25 but realized I don’t want to play my priest and a goblin shaman is just makes no sense.  Those two toons are parked for now.  My goblin hunter and warlock are also waiting, neither interests me so I decided to level my troll druid.  She was level 10 and when I logged off yesterday  afternoon she was level 23. 

My biggest WOW complaint … leveling is too damn fast.  I wish one of the announcements from the expansion press tour last week was the decision to implement the Everquest 2 feature which allows you to turn off the experience of your choice, from within your UI.  If I could turn off combat experience but leave on quest experience I would be so thrilled!  I would love to actually not out level a zone and miss story line.

Mass Effect 3

Hubby played it over the last week and a half, I still haven’t finished the second installment in the trilogy.  As a spectator the good and the bad are from an observation viewpoint, I didn’t know I would need a damn box of tissue when he started the game up.  Seriously, I can’t remember another video game I’ve cried so much about.  Bioware did a great job in wrapping up the story but they truly just didn’t give a crap about the ending.  I’m not talking about the color of explosions, but about the choice you make before the explosion occurs.  Seriously, all three choices just pissed me off.  Hubby was far more irritated, hell pissed off, about the final scene data pad pimping the coming DLC.   I swear I heard his teeth grinding off enamel when that came on the screen. 

I will give Bioware this much credit, their ending(s) is something everyone is talking about.  That generates buzz but does it generate good buzz?  Chances are if you played Mass Effect 3 when it released, you’ve played the previous two games.   The outcry over the ending possibilities may detour many potential new gamers from ever enjoying the Mass Effect universe.  That universe is one that is rich in detail, characters, and stories to be told but negative buzz may result in the Mass Effect universe never telling another story.

I am going to play the trilogy straight through instead of concluding 2 and moving onto 3.  For me, the first game is by far the most gripping and enjoyable and so I’m going back.  It will also give me some distance from hubby’s game so it won’t all be fresh in my mind as I’m playing, which is the only drawback to watching him play through a game we will both play. Smile

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

I’ve almost finished this game.  I am so very impressed with the rich and detailed world.  The first DLC is out today and it will be downloaded and consumed greedily by me.  The world is rich in lore and quests.  Plus it makes a nice change from Mass Effect and my horrible first person shooting skills. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Just can’t stay away

I’m beginning to lose track of how many times I’ve actually quit WOW and swore that I was never going back.  I am still currently unsubbed but truth is I will be resubbing this weekend most likely.  Last time I left and came back I started playing my way and ignoring the crappy community on my server.  I will do the same thing when I go back.  I enjoy the questing and lore and I don’t enjoy the negativity. 

I have a couple of tones that still aren’t level 85 yet so I am going to get them to 85.  I have two toons that are well below level 85 but they will be deleted.  I used heirlooms with them and thus missed far too much of the story line for my satisfaction.  

I am not making promises that I won’t be tempted away by Guild Wars 2 when it finally releases.  It seems like I’ve been waiting for that game to release forever.  I also admit that I actively enjoy Lord of the Rings Online.