Monday, September 3, 2012

Love Stories in Video Games


When Patch 4.2 Rage of the Firelands released and I did the Elemental Bonds quest for the first time I cried every time Aggra lost Thrall to another elemental aspect.  I felt her pain, her love, her anguish at the mere suggestion that Thrall had been lost forever.  The writers of this particular quest line did a fantastic job in capturing the deep seated emotion that is true love between two souls. 

I did that quest again this morning on my warrior and once again I cried at every stop on the elemental tour.  I’m blessed to love, and be loved by, my best friend.  He is the completion of me and if I were somehow thrust into Aggra’s position I would have the exact same reaction.  It would be impossible for me to accept that the other part of my soul were lost forever and I would be just as pissed off as Aggra. 

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Once I got done crying this morning, I got to thinking what other love stories are there in video games and which of those stories are good?   Yesterday morning I completed the majority of quests in Twilight Highlands on my priest including the resulting marriage between Fanny Thundermar and Keegan Firebeard.  Fanny Firebeard cracks me up, she agrees to marry Keegan because he has a fine ass.  You have to love a character like that!

I’m sure there are other grand love stories in video games that are producer created but I can’t think of any off the top of my head.  Anyone know of any?